Registration Open + Instructions for Presenters

Dear Hockey Conferencers,

Registration for the 2020 Hockey Conference (2021 edition) is now open at There is a small fee for presenters and it is free to observe, but everyone must register. Check the schedule on this website (coming soon) to ensure that you’ve been included and your name and title are correct.

Given the shortened days this year, panel sessions are also shorter (I hear your collective groan and I apologize). Please respect time limits so that we can get through all presentations and have discussion in a timely and respectful manner.

Panel presentation time limits are as follows:

  • Panels of 4 presenters have 10 (ten) minutes each
  • Panels of 3 presenters have 12 (twelve) minutes each
  • Panels of 2 presenters have 15 (fifteen) minutes each

The schedule of panel presentations will be up on the website late this week or early next week and it is helpful to us for you to register ASAP so we can assemble the panels more efficiently.

The conference will take place via Zoom and you will receive links via email for all sessions once daily. You have the option to present in real time or to pre-record your presentation and send it to me ahead of time. I recommend closed captioning your video and encourage presenters to send in  transcripts for accessibility purposes (if you do not consent to openly sharing the transcript of your paper, please let me know).  If you have asked to present in french, that is still okay!

Happy to answer any questions and looking forward to gathering with you in June,


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